Sunday, April 22, 2007

Work / Life Balance

They say you can achieve work/life balance ... or balance is how you define it. So what is balance to me? Is it working 12 hour workdays and feeling tired all the time? Get up, get dressed, spend 10 minutes with the kids, run out the door to catch an early morning call. Gulp down lunch in 15 minutes, try to drive home fast enough to catch kids awake (more often than not, unsuccessful at this), eat dinner, check email, try to have a decent conversation with husband -- fall asleep while doing so. Get up, get dressed, ... it's a cycle. Sometimes changes in pattern because of son getting up early in the morning asking for yaya. Only thing that keeps me sane is the Sundays I spend swimming with my kids and sometimes, cooking dinner (which my husband doesn't always appreciate, but that's another story). So what am I trying to say? Oh nothing, just wondering.

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